RJ-R05 Russian Standard-bearers, Bugler and Drummer (4)
(incl. two standard tops with poles)
Painted as members of the 34th Infantry Regiment "Sevskiy" (the advancing miniatures) and and the 36th Infantery Regiment "Orlovskiy" (the standing ones), to fit in with the officers and NCOs and the respective troopers. (The ensigns are obviously missing their standards, these will be added later.)
RJ-R06 Russian Troopers firing II (4)
Painted as members of the 33rd
Regiment "Eletskiy", which means that now every regiment of the 9th infantry division is depicted in form of one of the painted trooper sets.
RJ-R07 Russian Casualties and Mecidal Orderly (4)
Painted in the vary same way as the ensigns and musicians.